Welcome to VanessaLPS cp blog

Friday, 31 December 2010

New Years Eve

2010 is coming to a close

2011 is coming to an open

I hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas
and i hope you have a Happy New Year

New things coming up

. New xat chat
.Twitter change
.New videos
.More Parties
.More Post

and alot more

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Thank you

I would like to say thank you to some of my twitter friends

Ponytail001http://twitter.com/#!/ponytail001 http://www.clubpenguinupdater.com/



wazupsamhttp://twitter.com/#!/WazUpSam http://www.clubpenguingraphics.co.cc/

abuballin974 http://twitter.com/#!/abuballin974

They are my friend who have been awesome on twitter

follow them

ponytail001 made my awesome header

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

New Play

The Ruby and the Ruby is back on the island of club penguin

This play is meant to be an old detective movie thats why its in black and white

the movie includes 4 characters


They are the four characters

Happy New Year

I hope you all have a happy new year and i would just like to say that you have all been so good to me on my blog when you vote on my poll and post comments i would like a special thank you to Nubbles52673 Hinchyc Flap Jack7 Jario9 Animequeen And GoldenRetreivers And thank you for everyone else who comes onto my blog


Sorry About Not Posting

Hey Penguins ,

I've Been a bit busy lately so i haven't been able to post sorry i hope you alll had a merry Christmas

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Bafta Kids Vote Awards

Hey Penguins ,

As some of you may know club penguin were in the Kids Bafta awards

This is an Event in the UK and club penguin was in the category websites

The Great news is that Club Penguin Won !
Cp would like to say Thanks for voting
Waddle On

Saturday, 11 December 2010


Hey Penguins ,

I was playing Card Jitsu Water and in the middle of the game all of the penguins turned Grey!
When i hit the gong it turned back for a second then it went back to grey

Maybe this could mean There will be a new penguin colour available soon

Please Do not include this glitch on your blog i found this and if you do please give credit and give a link to a website in comments

Thank you for waiting for image

Monday, 6 December 2010

Coins For Change

Coins for Change is coming soon. This is an event Which happens every December All of the penguins should donate their coins and the club penguin staff will make that into real money and then we decide which chairty we donate the money to cp donates a bit to every charity beacause some penguins vote for diffrent ones so club penguin donates that persentage of the money to that chairty And Remember the donating pots will be in most rooms and sometimes in peoples igloo and Possibly Rockhopper will come and maybe he will sell the coins for change donating pots again but if not check members igloo on the map or just go to town or another room and Donate .

Waddle on

December ALREADY

Hey Penguins ,

Its December Already 2010 has flown by. So that means the December catalog and lots more the New catalog is already here (sorry for late post) There are a few of the same things as last year and the snowman and ginger bread man are back and there are some new Candy cane arm warmers on the yellow puffle Infact there are alot of Hidden items .

Thursday, 18 November 2010


Sensei is in the island of club penguin , if you want to meet him and get his background and to see his water outfit make sure your a ninja sensei only goes in the Ninja Hideout and Water dojo but he hasn't got a new background but he has the extreme stamp Make sure to use trackers i recommend Jmann93 His chat is great for tracking Sensei !!

Friday, 5 November 2010

Club penguin books

Hello Penguins Whilst i was on twitter one of my great followers @Gearoid49CP i also recommend to follow . Gearroid49CP found this exclusive and let me use it for my site would you bye it it is the dancing with cadence pick your path 5 It look really good they have made a pick your path book now for all the famous penguins apart from the penguin band and go to Gearoid49CP site http://www.gandmcpcheats.com/ WADDLE ON

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


Hello Penguins Make sure you et your umbrella maybe it might starting raining on cp

Monday, 1 November 2010

What penguins are wearing this month

Every month i will do what penguin are wearing this month

So here is November Fashions on cp

Members Lots of members are wearing

hoodies Boys and girls



Saturday, 30 October 2010


Halloween tomorrow and i think cp might have an extra item for Halloween like last year so remember to log on tomorrow and check the member rooms and Gary has been spotted around the island and here is a great chat to find Gary http://xat.com/clubpenguintrackerz good look he has a new bg as well remember don't stay with Gary for too long cause if you loose connection you loose the bg as well Waddle on

Monday, 25 October 2010


Brand new glitch

I was just checking my stamp book and all the stamps are highlighted even the ones you haven't done including all of the party ones next time you log onto cp check out your stamp book

Note this glitch has now been fixed

Thursday, 21 October 2010


The new log page is HERE its about t

he storm and halloween

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

cool igloos

These are some igloo cp spotted and they think they are cool read more at


There are 3 NEW glitches on cp

.Glitch 1 fading effect If you click your player card it will fade in and if you get your items on your items will fade in as well

.Glitch 2 Igloo flooring after the Halloween contest igloo floor has gone and you can't go and buy it because it says you already have it

.Glitch 3 clothes dancing if you take all your penguins clothes off then dance the put your clothes back on and don't stop dancing your clothes will dance themselves not in time with your penguin

Those are some cp glitches

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Halloween IGLOO contest

Hey penguins ,

the Halloween igloo contest will be open soon so get your igloo ready with the new Halloween stuff maybe have a crystal ball or maybe you like slimy goo on the floor or maybe something else whatever you think screams Halloween to you decorate it in you igloo and get to work it finishes on the 17th of OCTOBER

Sunday, 10 October 2010


Make sure your igloo are ready for the Halloween contest if you win you get ALOT OF COINS and When the Halloween party starts look out for Gary the gadget guy i met him last Halloween and if your new to club penguin stay in the room that the trackers say if you meet Gary click his penguin and Get his FREE background and members remember to complete the maze i bet theres a prize at the end !!!

Friday, 8 October 2010


I hope you Penguins can make it for more information about rooms check my twitter @cpvanessalps

Tuesday, 5 October 2010


Accept field op

Go to pool
go to the middle window
complete the NEW FIELD OP GAME

VANESSALPS CP BLOG tip put one of the signs in each circle to start off with then see what colour it is if it is green then its wright yellow wrong place and red is wrong

Complete the task and claims your prize

Sunday, 3 October 2010


HALLOWEEN is at the end of this month and the club penguin party starts Friday 29th October The Halloween issue of the penguin style is out and the countdown has begun So you better decide what costume your wearing for club penguin Halloween party 2010 .

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Vanesssalps penguin birthday

In 11 days it will be my penguins birthday it is my first full year on club penguin

It is going to be on the 9th of October my
Party and a mini short party on the day
more details about that nearer time

server Ice cold

Time 12:00P.m. PST

Room Night club

We will be switching rooms i will post the new room on my Twitter and on my penguin so if you don't have twitter better get there when it starts so you can follow me

Tuesday, 28 September 2010


The new field op is out

1. Go to HQ to accept your assignment

2.Go to Dance lounge and go to the curtain

3. Click EPF phone and do the filed op

VanessaLPS tip Go back to the

charging area every time you fill

one of the things

4. Complete the field op

5. Claim your reward

Friday, 24 September 2010

club penguin game day

My club penguin game day Review !!!

I would give it 5 Out of 5 It really good Each team has three zones and each zone you have to take over a place there are 4 game per zone Sometime your contestants Can be hard but your first ones are easy And if you do really well you will get your name on the high score board it will have a blue start it will say new high score if you have a score on the list 2nd to 8th And if you you get a blue star with new top score check the leader board your name from the game will be on there !!! And if you complete zones you Unlock new item in catalog because some are padlocked and the code unlock Four background team blue ,team green, team red, and the brand new team .... Team yellow And 2500 coins I would recommend this game it is really Fun

Sunday, 19 September 2010


It is my penguin vanessaLPS first penguin bday party on cp it is going to be on Marshmellow room stadium at 12 p.m. PST Hope you can come It is on the 9th september


Puffle cushions

Check out the club penguin puffle cushions If you love cp they would be great for your bedroom You could even make puffle world if you had all of them and puffle toys



FAIRY FABLES IS BACK fairy fables is one of my FAV plays i was exited when it first came it is such a great play Now if you missed the outfits last time you can get them all now and don't forget to read the book .


Saturday, 11 September 2010


Hey penguins I am going to have a new page

when i was on Holiday in the summer i took a load of puffle pictures in DISNEY So I'm going to put some pictures on now and put them on in the following weeks So stay tuned on my site for more puffle on Holiday


Saturday, 4 September 2010

Rockhopper new bg

Rockhopper has now got a new club penguin background and the new feature is his stamop even if you have met rockhopper i think you should try to meet him at the fall fair to get the stamp and the new background


Thursday, 2 September 2010


The fall fair is FINIALLY HERE AND NEW CATALOG AND NOT TO FORGET ROCKHOPPER after alot of angry penguins waiting for hoodies in gift shop waiting for rockhohopper in beacon and waiting for the fall fair all around the island and now the great fall fair is FINALLY HERE and it a a great one 2 but the homepage updated a little early than the fall fair AND A LITTLE AFTER THAT THE MEMBERSHIP PAGE UPDATED Then the fall fair went off the homepage and rockhopper ship stayed on then the ship went on and a few hours later it came and it is really fun

New room

Here is the new room and this is the picture i got
Please do not take this picture it is only for vanessalps cp blog
Thank you

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Puffle rescue Stamps

page 2
page 1

Here are the 27 new puffle rescue stamps

Fall fair reviewed by you

The new reviewed by you is here last week it was about fall fair this week club penguin are asking you which stamp so far is the hardest one for you to get

Monday, 30 August 2010

New room

There is a brand new room coming to club penguin and 3 new things

1. Notice board you can check up on there see if any penguins are having partys

2.Tour guide booth you can now take the test from this location

3.Fish Fountain this new feature will will spour water out of the goldfish's mouth

I have a little bit of a picture i think it will be down from the town center so keep a look outit might just come in when you next log into club penguin VanessaLPS

If you wish to put this post on your site please read rule page if you do use it please comment with your twitter or penguin name and put your website address THANK YOU

Sunday, 29 August 2010

Captain Rockhopper

Basic facts about rockhopper: Captain Rockhopper is a red penguin he has a black beard and a black hat with a puffle skull and cross bones .
And if you click his penguin you will see a brown box type of thing click it and you will get a signed photo background of him self .

NEW FEATURE: if you are in the same room as rockhopper you will get a stamp

Captain Rockhopper coming

It looks like the famous pirate captain Rockhopper is sailing back to club penguin to see his ship go to the beacon and look in the telescope you will be able to see his ship from a bit of a distance my guess it that he would be coming for the fair on September 3rd what do you think tell me by just leaving a comment

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Club penguin annual 2011

The club penguin annual is out filled with Spot the diffrence guess the penguin and lots of other great stuff to do with club penguin

Thursday, 5 August 2010

New poll

New log in page

New log in page for mountain

Updates for mountain

the building work for the mountain we need rescue squad maybe there might be a yeti


PENGUIN STYLE is finaly here here is the frount above after a few hours of waiting

New newspaper issue #251

Its thursday and that mean a new club penguin times is out This week its about stamps and climbing the mountain

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Puffle recue stamp

Club penguin must of put it on early by mistake but no one saw the stamp because it didn't load my guess is that cp will bring it later this month But now we know that there are puffle rescue stamps

My guess of a stamp would be to find the secret room in puffle rescue


Penguin style sneak peek

Puffle reascue stamps added

Now there is 135 stamps puffle rescue has 28 stamps but it wont load yet so maybe it will load later today Waddle on

Thursday, 29 July 2010


Its Thursday which means a new issue of the club penguin times This week it is the 250th Newspaper .The new events are

penguin style :August 6th
Mountain expedition :August 13th
Better igloos:August 20th
Igloo upgrades :August 20th

Wednesday, 28 July 2010


Reviewed By You

In last weeks reviewed by you we asked you what your fav pin of all times was Friitzee08 said:I've collected a lot of pins over the year. And they're all so great. But, I prefer a special one. Like the recycle pin! It's a small symbol, but it changes the world by a %100. I'm pretty sure it's made out of recycled stuff from the recycle center near the mine (; Each pin, I have stands for something. So, I try to wear a new one everyday to show my 'pin-spirit'! This week cp have asked us what stamp would you like to see in the future


The stamps are finaly here and you can see a load of penguins trying to earn them how many have you got ?? leave a comment


Sunday, 25 July 2010

Friday, 23 July 2010

Underwater adventure

The new play underwater adventure is here This is what is looks like

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Club penguin pen set

This is my video of the pen set (new video coming soon)and aslo i have made a vid about my pink pufflenote book

Vanessalps penguin awards

I am having a penguin awards to enter all you have to do is comment and put your penguin name and fav server

Wednesday, 21 July 2010


The new field op is out

1. Go to Commando room to get your field op
2.Go to recycling room to get your signal
3.This is a new field op to do the fire wall
4. To do this use the keyboard and move
the left and right arrow keys to match the
picture at bottom with the same picture at top
the pictures come down quite fast so make sure
you keep up

Music jam Ended

The music jam ended On Monday and the lighthouse catalog came out most penguins who have been on club penguin since Christmas should have all of those items apart from the blue bass Most of the items have been out quite early I hope you like it waddle on

Thursday, 15 July 2010

New treasure book

The brand new treasure book is out of cp with the excluesives like outfits on cp but diffrent some penguins might be waddling round with Some of it on maybe you might have got some if you have any questions Please leave a comment

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Cp rockers

My new band cp rockers if you want to be in this band leave a comment with your club penguin name and why you want to be in the band and what instrument you would play and each time i have a concert on club penguin i will leave a post on my new page
waddle on

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

The New EPF Field Op Is Out
1. Go to HQ get your mission
2.The Signal is in the Lodge Attic coach
3.Do the filed op (after you have been to the grey thing get more power or if you got electrocuted)
4. Claim your medals
It seems there is only 2! Field ops and i would say this one is the harder one other might hve different opinions

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Fire works

Fire works on cp like new year check the ice berg and ski hill my fav fire work it the puffle one and everyone did like 3D glasses THERE BACK

New catalog

The new catalog is out to early it is good but some items might not be out yet i tried to get black quitar that isnt there but most of it is and it is an awesome style check it out now

Music Jam

As you can see in the new club penguin banner the music jam is back 9th til 18th and the new log in screen are you exited

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

New filed op

You need to go to the place next to hidden lake then where the light bulb is then click your EPF phone then complete it and get your medal

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Music Mayhem

In the new issue of the penguin times It tells us that the new outfits are going to be music themed and every new catalog has something to do with a party and i think the music jam is back and maybe a famous penguin will be coming cadence might be and maybe penguin band so see if you can meet Rockhopper you might be able to get all the famous penguin backgrounds

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Rockhopper Docks on club Penguin

Rockhopper has docked on club penguin and got us some new items

The free one is the one we picked the squid lid and Since Rockhopper has come he is giving out his background try to find him

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Herbert ice

In the mine shack above the mine there is a Herbert Ice sculpture with leaves rapped around it


Today Island adventure party are you exited ?
New better iglooos
Igloo upgrades Both today
New igloo music June 25

Penguin style July 2nd
New Pin July 2nd
New postcards July 9th
New Play July 23rd

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

EPF agent Be alert

The filed ops have now started go onto a server in the hq to find out what it is then go to town and click you epf phone and then hover you mouse over red dots see the picture then try to find that picture again


Guess which famous penguin is back Rockhopper It seems the flares have worked so check now at the beacon and you will spot a small ship that is rockhoppers

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Item list ruby and the ruby

Gray (grey) Fedora 250 coins
Detective's coat 650 coins
Magnifying glass 150 coins
The movie star 600 coins
pearl neckless 550 coins
Dazzle dress 600 coins
Blue felt hat 300 coins
Blue zoot suit 700 coins
skinny blue tie 150 coins
black zoot shoes 450 coins
doormans cap 150 coins
doorman's jacket 400 coins

Dark detective coat

How to get the coat click the outfits for ruby and the ruby then go to the blue zoot suit and click the door knob and then buy it it is 650 coins .


Hi penguins i was thinking should I keep it the same or have EPF theme puffle theme or if you have any ideas please leave a comment to tell me what you would like or if there is anything i need waddle on

Orange puffle series 4

I went out shopping yesterday i saw a lot of puffle stuff including puffle towel it was all in the Disney store then i saw the puffle toys i got the orange puffle then i saw a fluffy notebook it was a pink puffle i got that as well then when i came to unlock the puffle coin code it said series 4 on the label and i typed in the code then i thought i got series 4 but it was series 8 !! and series 7 have only just come out and i got the four items and got 1500 coins and i was so surprised so is you see and orange puffle it might be series 8 be sure to leave a comment

waddle on

Saturday, 12 June 2010

How to get the ruby ring

Go to stage

click Cabernet
Click bin
click book with white pages
click flowers near bin
Click painting
click safe then get your ruby ring pin


Club penguin s coming to wii it is called club penguin game day it will be realesed in September these next few weeks will be with sneak peeks of the game comment what you think Waddle on

Thursday, 10 June 2010

All cp servers are SAFE CHAT

Now if your on unlimted safe chat your fine but now all the servers are safe chat maybe to many penguins were being rude Not many penguins on twitter are happy they say EPIC fail i think it is a bit bad but adventure soon yay

Monday, 7 June 2010

Angry Penguins

When i log onto to club penguin on busy severs sometime there are a group of penguins saying
"WE WANT OLD CP or WE LOST CONNECTION " What has Disney done to club penguin well i would say it made it better it has been changing stuff because children like changes they get bored of the same thing but other penguin didn't want Disney to take cp on new year when the new catalog was meant to be out penguin said SUE DISNEY or SUE CP lots of angry penguins when something doesn't come on time Tell me if you have seen any penguins doing this or if you think Disney has made cp boring

Waddle on penguins

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Ninja item list

Amulet 200 coins
goldsmith apron 100 coins
ninja outfit 1000 coins
cloud waves bracers 250 coins
white gi 800 coins
tea table 650 coins
Dojo igloo 5000 coins
ride paper wall screen 500 coins
stone lantern 575 coins
hand gong 400 coins

Item lists and costs June 2010

The adventurer 400 coins
Castaway's clothing 325 coins
foraged bracelet 200 coins
swashbuckler's hat 430 coins
swashbuckler's coat 450 coins
commander's hat 375 coins
commander's outfit 430 coins
commander's boots 275
first mate's hat 425 coins
first mate's outfit 400 coins
Nautical boots 275 coins
The razzmatazz 400 coins
coral mermaid costume 425 coins
The aquamarine 400 coins
Tropical mermaid costume 425 coins
The blue lagoon 550 coins
mermaid costume 500 coins
bonny curls 400 coins
seafarer's gown 450 coins

Safety vest 200 coins
hard hat 50 coins

In my next post i will post about ninja items and pins


The EPF is reporting for duty June 15 2010
the new pin is at ice berg it is a sea shell pin

New catalog

The new catalog out get mermaid pirates and a nice gown for you to wear hurry

Will the famous penguin come

My last post the sneak peek got me thinking and i think the famous penguin Rockhopper will come to the Island for the adventure party June 2010

Comment to tell me what you think

Penguin style sneak peek

That is one of the sneak peeks
In the new newspaper there is a penguin style sneak peeeks all the outsfits are going to realate to adventure

Monday, 31 May 2010

Ponytail001 made me my header

Look at my header for my site my friend ponytail001 from cp updates 001 hs made me a new header please comment and tell me how much you like it and you can check out ponytail001 site

Sunday, 30 May 2010


The tree from earth day has grown with more

leaves and a thicker thrunk the tree has grown for sure

.Please leave a comment waddle on

Saturday, 29 May 2010

The EPF test
Firstly go to the everyday phoning facility
Then click the phone or if your already a PSA
agent then click spy phone and go there then take test
1.Hit the target with a snow ball
2.go to green square
3. then click keep clicking the red square
4.get off the square
5.Then hide somewhere
6.Then walk to blue square
7. then ur trapped throw snow balls at the box with yellow triangle on
8 then walk throw epf door into EPF hq
now ur an epf

Thursday, 27 May 2010


New EPF log in page and a site to go with it www.play.clubpenguin.com/index.php?lang=en Check it out

If you read the membership page it will say thatin june we are having the adventure party and if your a member invite your buddies to a ship battles room ? intresting

There is and Epf test when you go to where the sports shop was and then you can enter the test for joining the EPF


The pitch it out with a new style

In the newspaper it says the sport shop is turning into an everyday phoning facility So what do you think of this ? be sure to post a comment

waddle on

Wednesday, 26 May 2010


The sport shop has now closed for good . The ski village is under construction and you can get minning helmets .The snow and sports catalog in now in ski village so i guess it bye bye sports shop for good

Have an ice day

Tuesday, 25 May 2010


If you go down to the bottom of the page you will see the image i submitted to cp I will Try to change that every Tuesday To one of my penguin pictures If you have any suggestions The be sure to comment

waddle on

Sunday, 23 May 2010


Ponytail001 My friend has pointed out

in newspaper it even says that sport shop

will be closing so now we Will have no more

sport shop read this post on cp updates to see

more www.cpupdates001.com but the catalog is

moving to the soccer pitch.

Friday, 21 May 2010


There are new pictures on the fan gallery and one of them is mine . My one is the one right of the end and it is a gamma gal on a king . I hope you all like it .

Waddle on

The club penguin home page has been updated with the popcorn and instead of clicking a blue spy phone to see an agent it is an EPF gadget and i think that will be our new secret agent outfit

waddle on

Thursday, 20 May 2010


In the HQ there is A lot of popcorn but read the to do list

.Eat all the popcorn
.Plan to catch Herbert
.Find a new HQ soon

take the first letters of each thing and it spells EPF

Wednesday, 19 May 2010


I love ice cream (random answer ) got the most votes got 4 votes 57%
Gold from member quest 2 votes 28%
Girl throne / dresser 1 vote 14%
The rest got 0 votes 0 %

Waddle on


Well Now we have all the opocorn you could have

wanted in HQ and sport shop and if your agent

you will have no idea what is happening but

If you love opocorn this is ur lucky days

.go to HQ and click the place where the missions are
.click G then just keep clicking if you don't want to know what he says
.Go to gift show then take the corn seeds then talk to rookie
.Go upstairs in gift shop then talk to jet pack guy and get the corn seeds
.Then Gary will ring you go to HQ you will have to use long way
.Talk to Gary The go to beach light house
.Get CD from under piano then get the cleaning stuff near speakers
.Put the CD and washing things together then click the spray and click CD
.Once it says it has had enough cleaning spray click cloth then click and move around with cloth
.Go to ski village talk to rookie then click the CD player
.Press the open button then get the CD and put CD in
.Talk to rookie then click Cd player again
.This time get your spanner out your spy phone (click tools on your spy phone and see the middle one)
.Then see the box with the speaker on put the spanner to that
.Then you have to work out a colour code i cant help you with that sorry
.The signal will be coming from mine shack so go there

Tuesday, 18 May 2010


Some of you who have the ds game will know what the EPF is and know what that closet door leads to and you will have met dot before but some of you will just be completely and utterly confussed but a few months ago there was a picture for new mission it was of dot .So i hope you have enjoyed all PSA mission but now we are moving to EPF

The new mission was out yesterday the veggie villain did you think it was good ? or do you think it need more adventure well i thought it was really good Or did you think it needed some fried nachos But did you think the mission was hard well i got stuck at the bit where you have to unlock the colour thing in the HQ if you have and questions or answers or anything you would like to share then you can be happy to comment

waddle on

Sunday, 16 May 2010


Sadly the great medieval party is going to end today but remember agents the new mission is Out on May 18 and you can still have adventures in your igloo

Do you like pink igloos and want a pink castle well in igloo upgrades click the blue castle door and there is your pink ice palace it is 4900 coins

Waddle on

Friday, 14 May 2010


My last poll What do you most like about medieval party

New outfits 3 / 33%
Member quest 6/ 66%
Tree fort 1 / 11%
Pizza parlour 2/22%
Lounge with the thrones 1/11%
ski hill castle 1/11%
No it not that good 0/0%
The dragons 1/11%

Check out my new poll coming soon

Thursday, 13 May 2010


it is the brand new better igloo is now out the theme is medieval there and there are thrones and lots of other medieval things to finish off the celabration it looks really fun and i am gonna change my igloo into a kingdom comment to tell me what you will change it to

waddle on

The new play is coming June 11
and it will be Ruby And The Ruby
which is an old fashioned play

Better igloos
igloo upgrades
May 28 New music
June 4 new penguin style
June 11 New post cards


it is Thursday so that means a new newspaper

this week it is mostly about medieval party

Club penguin doesnt have anything else new in may

apart from new misson and new igloos most

of the stuff is now in June Next pin May 21

waddle on

Wednesday, 12 May 2010


it is screenhog and he has some don't miss here is the list

.rule your kingdom with the thrones at night club lounge
.hold a tournament at ice rink
.check beacon light house there's a big bonfire
.The mirror at ski hill tries to answer your questions
.Princess castle ski lounge the fountain even has Koi fish
.if you go to the gift shop market new medieval styles
.snow ball throwing at snow forts
.the book rooms an old library
.Free item at light house have you picked it up yet

and one of my own
. check out both of the awesome member quest all the fun ends on the 16th so hurry
waddle on

Tuesday, 11 May 2010


Since it is tuesday it mean a new reviewed by you

last week club penguin asked us what our most

challnging adventure was this week club penguin

asked us what you are doing in the medieval party

comment if you want to share your ideas or have anything

you want to say about my website or club penguin

or maybe even twitter

waddle on penguin pals

Saturday, 8 May 2010


check out this

sneak peek

the pictures

are jumbled

up so

we need to un

jumble them to

see that lair

are ye enjoying this year medieval party i am for sure i did the mazes and everything so i desided to have a party on sleet mostly all day and i will be travling round and the partying has already started keep up with where i am on twitter www.twitter.com/cpvanessalps please comment to tell me your adventures of thy medieval party

Thursday, 6 May 2010


When you log in there is a new log in page for the quest and on the first one there is a maze
use these down left down right right up use that in the maze


and new poll hurry to check it out


As it is Thursday there is a new release of the club penguin times

This week it is mostly about medieval party Also check out my links

if you scroll down it after poll there will be the new newspaper link

so you can read newspaper without being on cp

remember that the medieval party new pin and penguin style

Will all come today at 11:00a.m. PST (penguin standard time )

waddle on

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

we asked some questions to happy77
1st well we tried to make costumes for every one knights need good armors and ladies need fine dresses
2nd there is a bit in the cave about a cavern filled with hot sauce and a dragon
3rd check out the pizza parlour tree forts the lounge decorated with thrones and a castle at the top of the mountain

my last poll do you like then new mine shack

Yes it rocks 9 votes(winner)
no it boring 3 votes
yes and no cuz i like the reycling center 2 votes
yes and no cuz i like the mine shack 2 votes

thanks to all the people that voted waddle on new poll coming Today

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


there is a new reviewed by you as it is Tuesday and this time they are asking you to say what you most challenging puzzles were remember if your comment gets picked next week you will get
10,000 coins added to your cp account that would be handy to buy the latest stuff including the new catalog that is coming on Friday

waddle on

sorry i was a bit later on this post but here is the sneak peek for the challnge for members at medieval party there are 2 and this is one of them if i get any more updates i will post them straight away

waddle on
hi fellow penguins i have a new page called about me i am still doing some work on it but it will soon be done so keep an eye out to see when it willl be done .Also on www.clubpenguin.com there is a medieval party sneak peek for one of the member things you should check it out

waddle on

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Golden card jitsu card

when you unlock the golden card jitsu card it wont be like unlocking a normal card it will have a little video of sensei turning and saying

"congratulations! you are holding a very special golden code card " then there will be a brown button saying next... then a new screen will come up saying you have unlocked 6 new card jitsu cards then you will have to click next again then sensei will say congratulations! keep training young ninja this will be helpful in your journey to master card jitsu fire

waddle on

Saturday, 1 May 2010


this is my 100 post i am so glad to the people who have commented and voted like nubbles who comments and votes and ponytail001 for voting and All my friends on cp . Now it is time for a party sever SLEET room DOCK hope you can make it

remember when i told you about the card jitsu binder well i went out shopping and i found it so i got it and it comes with 2 packs of card jitsu cards and one pop up sensei and there is a big poster about card jitsu. In the binder there are some very thin pieces of plastic to put ur cards in and on the front page inside the book there is a picture of the outside of the dojo in the ninja hideout and the fire dojo and o the front of the page there is a big picture what is like the card jitsu fire pack but a lot bigger

waddle on


Thursday, 29 April 2010


on club penguin there is a new log in page for medieval party and in club penguin there is stuff for the medieval party in plaza there is a puffle thing not sure what but i know this must be for medieval party

the new news paper is out to check it out then go to www.clubpenguin.com

starting May 7th new penguin style at gift shop
starting May 7th medieval party
starting May 14th new postcards
starting May better igloos
starting May 14 new igloos

Wednesday, 28 April 2010


on club penguin the team is planning for the next few months and they are letting us pick the party item so there is

.squid lid (orange squid kinda cute )
.the bucket (grey bucket with some green grass i think on it)
.old boot (well that is just a brown boot on a penguins head )

comment on what you are voting on i am voting for the squid lid

Tuesday, 27 April 2010


my last poll has ended so here goes results

New cp is awesome 6 votes (winner)
old cp is cool 2 votes
They both rock 4 votes ( tied 2nd )
not seen old cp 4 votes ( tied 2nd)
Not seen new cp 0 votes
non of them 1 votes

the mine at earth is now staying as well as the new shortcut i hope you all like it and the new reycing center is still there as well

At www.clubpenguin.com there is a sneak peek of new misson coming in the end of May and Herbert is doing a show in the ski village i think he is not doing any good on club penguin

Saturday, 24 April 2010


Herbert's revenge is coming out in united states Canada Mexico and Brazil on may 25th and in England and Australia 17th June and on part of the clip u will see an item from the series 8 treasure book

Friday, 23 April 2010



Thursday, 22 April 2010


the new newspaper put and here are the new stufff

.Pay day for tour guides and agents May 1st
.New music for igloos April 30th
.penguin style May 7th
.medieval party May 7th
.new pin 23-may 6

earth day is here and there is a hunt to find items and if you find all of them you will get a reycle pin and you will get to enter the reycling plant also the new pin is a leaf pin on ski hill

Wednesday, 21 April 2010


www.media1.clubpenguin.com/play/v2/content/global/music/269.swf check the music out i think it is nice and peaceful

Tuesday, 20 April 2010


earth day is coming really soon on thursday pr maybe later on wednesday

please only select to answers on the poll or if you like more than one you may pick that as well please don't pick all

on my last poll are you a member or not

no but i want to 6 votes
yes and i have toy codes 5 votes
yes all the time 5 votes
yes for month 3 votes
no to much money 2 votes
yes for 6 months 1 votes
no but i have toy codes 0 votes
most popular was no but i want to be

Sunday, 18 April 2010


there is a new 6 month membership card yesterday i went out shopping and found a 6 month membership card and it had a big orange puffle on it

waddle on

Saturday, 17 April 2010

these are the new series 8 toys i got this off my friend ponytail001 from his website cp updates 001

Friday, 16 April 2010


Rumours has it that Gary the gadet guy (also known as G to some of you) has been drawing up some designs to make a reycling center.!!! keep your eyes on the club penguin times for more updates

waddle on

Thursday, 15 April 2010


having truble finding bamboo hut well on the green clover igloo click the red flower near the back

when you log in there is an earth day log in page check it out now at www.clubpenguin.com

a new better igloos is out here are some of the cheats
to get the bin click the top of the curtains
click top of lamp to get green bookself
click green vase to get HD TV

you will be able to take your fav puffle everywhere if you get one or two of these clip on puffles

Wednesday, 14 April 2010


there is new cp stuff coming this year stationery ,home ,fashion, books and toys all coming this year and club penguin still remains #1 childrens site in the UK !!!

the leprechaun ,secret agent and Easter bunny are all now on the list of toys

People believe club penguin card -jitsu playing cards is a must have this spring.The starter pack comes with a unique game guide including top tips on how to win the game also an exclusive sensei pop-up card .here is a little bit of the top tip poster
Welcome to the club penguin It will take patience and a
card-jitsu Game Guide. Here lot of practice to master the
you will learn the necessary ancient art of card-jitsu
skills to play card-jitsu and So if you think you have
the steps to follow in order What it takes read on ...
to become a ninja

that is all i have got but when i will get more i will post Waddle on