Welcome to VanessaLPS cp blog

Activity Stamps


Activities :

Operate switch box 3000 Go to stage and click all the buttons of the switchbox

Find the secret entrance to the underground Go to the pet shop and the thing by the petshop is the secret entrance

Usa a camera at the top of the ski hill

Swim in a rubber duck in the water Find rubber duck in the penguin style clcik top of tree on second mountain page

Hit the clock target 10 times in a row  vanessalps tip click outside of you speech box and press T on your  keyboard then click the target


Log in with a penguin 183 days or older 

waddle around 30 rooms

party at the night club with 10 penguins Try to do this on a quite full server

Throw an igloo party for 10 penguins  Vanessalps tip Try to do this at a stamp party or busy server

Serve 5 coffee's using the apron and emote

Serve 5 pizza using apron and emote

Hard :

Log in with a penguin 365 days or older

adopt and care for 16 puffles Go to your igloo once you have adopted them

Dance in the night club with 25 penguins Vanessalps tip do this at a stamp party

Fill your igloo with 99 furniture items Vanessalps tip Click box and all and click random items dont pick loads of neat items it will take longer

Form a full band at lighthouse Do  this at a stamp party or busy server

Dance with 30 penguins wearing hard hats at the ice berg  Stamp party or busy server

Throw snow at the snow forts with 5 penguins of the same colour Stamp party or busy server or buddies

Form a team with five penguins in the same jersey  Stamp party or will your buddies or busy server

Form a team with 5 penguins in the same jersey Stamp party buddies or busy server 

Throw an igloo party for 30 penguins  Stamp party or if 30 of your buddies are on or try on a busy server

Meet 10 black belt penguins in the ninja hideout Busy server buddies or stamp party