Welcome to VanessaLPS cp blog

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Vanesssalps penguin birthday

In 11 days it will be my penguins birthday it is my first full year on club penguin

It is going to be on the 9th of October my
Party and a mini short party on the day
more details about that nearer time

server Ice cold

Time 12:00P.m. PST

Room Night club

We will be switching rooms i will post the new room on my Twitter and on my penguin so if you don't have twitter better get there when it starts so you can follow me

Tuesday, 28 September 2010


The new field op is out

1. Go to HQ to accept your assignment

2.Go to Dance lounge and go to the curtain

3. Click EPF phone and do the filed op

VanessaLPS tip Go back to the

charging area every time you fill

one of the things

4. Complete the field op

5. Claim your reward

Friday, 24 September 2010

club penguin game day

My club penguin game day Review !!!

I would give it 5 Out of 5 It really good Each team has three zones and each zone you have to take over a place there are 4 game per zone Sometime your contestants Can be hard but your first ones are easy And if you do really well you will get your name on the high score board it will have a blue start it will say new high score if you have a score on the list 2nd to 8th And if you you get a blue star with new top score check the leader board your name from the game will be on there !!! And if you complete zones you Unlock new item in catalog because some are padlocked and the code unlock Four background team blue ,team green, team red, and the brand new team .... Team yellow And 2500 coins I would recommend this game it is really Fun

Sunday, 19 September 2010


It is my penguin vanessaLPS first penguin bday party on cp it is going to be on Marshmellow room stadium at 12 p.m. PST Hope you can come It is on the 9th september


Puffle cushions

Check out the club penguin puffle cushions If you love cp they would be great for your bedroom You could even make puffle world if you had all of them and puffle toys



FAIRY FABLES IS BACK fairy fables is one of my FAV plays i was exited when it first came it is such a great play Now if you missed the outfits last time you can get them all now and don't forget to read the book .


Saturday, 11 September 2010


Hey penguins I am going to have a new page

when i was on Holiday in the summer i took a load of puffle pictures in DISNEY So I'm going to put some pictures on now and put them on in the following weeks So stay tuned on my site for more puffle on Holiday


Saturday, 4 September 2010

Rockhopper new bg

Rockhopper has now got a new club penguin background and the new feature is his stamop even if you have met rockhopper i think you should try to meet him at the fall fair to get the stamp and the new background


Thursday, 2 September 2010


The fall fair is FINIALLY HERE AND NEW CATALOG AND NOT TO FORGET ROCKHOPPER after alot of angry penguins waiting for hoodies in gift shop waiting for rockhohopper in beacon and waiting for the fall fair all around the island and now the great fall fair is FINALLY HERE and it a a great one 2 but the homepage updated a little early than the fall fair AND A LITTLE AFTER THAT THE MEMBERSHIP PAGE UPDATED Then the fall fair went off the homepage and rockhopper ship stayed on then the ship went on and a few hours later it came and it is really fun

New room

Here is the new room and this is the picture i got
Please do not take this picture it is only for vanessalps cp blog
Thank you