Welcome to VanessaLPS cp blog

Friday, 31 December 2010

New Years Eve

2010 is coming to a close

2011 is coming to an open

I hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas
and i hope you have a Happy New Year

New things coming up

. New xat chat
.Twitter change
.New videos
.More Parties
.More Post

and alot more

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Thank you

I would like to say thank you to some of my twitter friends

Ponytail001http://twitter.com/#!/ponytail001 http://www.clubpenguinupdater.com/



wazupsamhttp://twitter.com/#!/WazUpSam http://www.clubpenguingraphics.co.cc/

abuballin974 http://twitter.com/#!/abuballin974

They are my friend who have been awesome on twitter

follow them

ponytail001 made my awesome header

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

New Play

The Ruby and the Ruby is back on the island of club penguin

This play is meant to be an old detective movie thats why its in black and white

the movie includes 4 characters


They are the four characters

Happy New Year

I hope you all have a happy new year and i would just like to say that you have all been so good to me on my blog when you vote on my poll and post comments i would like a special thank you to Nubbles52673 Hinchyc Flap Jack7 Jario9 Animequeen And GoldenRetreivers And thank you for everyone else who comes onto my blog


Sorry About Not Posting

Hey Penguins ,

I've Been a bit busy lately so i haven't been able to post sorry i hope you alll had a merry Christmas

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Bafta Kids Vote Awards

Hey Penguins ,

As some of you may know club penguin were in the Kids Bafta awards

This is an Event in the UK and club penguin was in the category websites

The Great news is that Club Penguin Won !
Cp would like to say Thanks for voting
Waddle On

Saturday, 11 December 2010


Hey Penguins ,

I was playing Card Jitsu Water and in the middle of the game all of the penguins turned Grey!
When i hit the gong it turned back for a second then it went back to grey

Maybe this could mean There will be a new penguin colour available soon

Please Do not include this glitch on your blog i found this and if you do please give credit and give a link to a website in comments

Thank you for waiting for image

Monday, 6 December 2010

Coins For Change

Coins for Change is coming soon. This is an event Which happens every December All of the penguins should donate their coins and the club penguin staff will make that into real money and then we decide which chairty we donate the money to cp donates a bit to every charity beacause some penguins vote for diffrent ones so club penguin donates that persentage of the money to that chairty And Remember the donating pots will be in most rooms and sometimes in peoples igloo and Possibly Rockhopper will come and maybe he will sell the coins for change donating pots again but if not check members igloo on the map or just go to town or another room and Donate .

Waddle on

December ALREADY

Hey Penguins ,

Its December Already 2010 has flown by. So that means the December catalog and lots more the New catalog is already here (sorry for late post) There are a few of the same things as last year and the snowman and ginger bread man are back and there are some new Candy cane arm warmers on the yellow puffle Infact there are alot of Hidden items .