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Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Under water Party

The underwater party was great rookie came to the island and has a new background. The maze i think was very good what did you think ? I think it was not too easy or too hard so it was good. The Free item was great the submarine creature and when you wear that and dance it has blue lines coming off it . It was great because non-members also got a great free item the anchor hat .
Most of the island was covered and decorated except from rooms inside town and plaza and all mine rooms . But the dojo was tipped and so was the ninja hideout . The light house was decorated and the ski hill was tipped .

From the ice berg you could see the tipped island

In EPF news Herbert has escaped and it probably has something to do with the video club penguin released before the party Herbert has woken up from hibernation and has escaped This month is going to be big for EPF members .

1 comment:

  1. I really liked underwater party it was great !
    can't wait for fashion show it's going to be great !
